Specialist Disability Support in Schools (SDSS)

Specialist Disability Support in Schools (SDSS)

Specialist Disability Support in Schools Program

Specialist Disability Support in Schools (SDSS)

Specialist Disability Support in Schools (SDSS)

Specialist Disability Support in Schools Program

What is SDSS?

The Department of Education provides funding to approved organisations (e.g. GBSS) under the SDSS Program to support schools by delivering services to improve access to, and participation in, curriculum and the educational outcomes for students with disAbility who receive Supplementary, Substantial or Extensive adjustments. Services provided by organisations under the SDSS Program are complementary services to those offered by the education sectors and are not intended to be a duplication of those services available in schools. Goals for eligible students are formed and worked on in collaboration between schools and the approved organisation’s staff.

How does SDSS differ from NDIS?

NDIS is a participant lead scheme, funded by the Federal Government to support individuals with disAbility to access and participate in their community. Goals are formed by the participants and their families and, for school aged children, may not align with school curriculum or goals.